Making Stories Magazine - Issue 3 (CLEARANCE)

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With Making Stories Magazine, Verena & Lisa strive to feature companies and makers who focus on sustainability, transparency, fairness, and equity in their work.

They love telling their stories and hope to inspire and enable crafters to make conscious and informed decisions about the materials they use and the companies they support.

In Issue 3, you’ll find thoughtful accessories and versatile garments that are designed with change in mind – change in seasons, in the way one works and lives and in the choice of materials.

In addition to the designs, there are a range of amazing articles and visual pieces:

  • A few thoughts on inhabiting a feminine body by Ani Lee
  • Growing down by Alina Jordan
  • On sustainability and business with Aermenuhi Khachatryan, Beatrice Perron Dahlen, Emma Robinson and Sandra Braida
  • Sustainable growth by Gaye Glasspie

Printed in Germany